Outdoor Learning Environment

Dr. Montessori observed that the natural world provides unparalleled opportunities for learning and viewed it as a necessary piece in the education of the whole child.  At Nature’s Way, we honor that vision and integrate our beautiful, rich, and varied outdoor environment into our programs and curricula.  We view our outdoor spaces as extensions of our classrooms and invite the children to learn, work, and play outside every day.  We have seven acres that have been carefully prepared to incorporate a variety of elements that are utilized and maintained by children of all ages for both educational and playful purposes.  Take a moment to explore!

Adventure Playground

Our playground is unique. Its purpose is to be a space entirely dependent on the desires, interests and abilities of the playmates. All students have an opportunity for free play and recreation every day.

Wooded Play Areas

Our wooded areas in front of the school are home to a tree house with climbing wall, our chicken coop, and the Lower and Upper Elementary fort-building areas.

Organic Gardens

In addition to the beautiful native plant gardens that surround the school buildings and grounds, there are several sites with raised organic beds across our campus.

Nature Preserve

The northeast portion of our property is a designated nature preserve that provides children the opportunity to observe and experience our rich hardwood forest and its unique flora and fauna.


The Nature’s Way pond is a popular place for students to experience peaceful reflection and intently observe a variety of flora and fauna.


Since 2010, Nature’s Way has maintained a flock of chickens, which provide a variety of valuable learning experiences for all age groups.

Honey Bees

Since 2011, our students have had the opportunity to learn about honey bees through observation and maintenance of our onsite hives.

Murphy Springs Farm

The Adolescent Community maintains a land partnership with the neighboring Murphy Farm to use a portion of property for educational and agricultural purposes.